Friday, May 1, 2009

Speeches on the 7th

Hey! :]

I hope everyone is making it through the end of the semester with some hair left on their head. I know I'M tired of school, that's for sure! How has everyone's speeches come along? I found that it was harder than I thought it would be to persuade in the opposite direction. I thought because I didn't care about the legalization of pot that it wouldn't matter! I suppose I was wrong.

Just checking in and seeing if any of you felt the same way!

ONE MORE SPEECH! ah i can't wait!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Persuasive Speeches....

How are your speeches coming along? I don't feel so prepared for this one :(

Friday, March 20, 2009

last night...

So I hope everyone was as entertained as I was last night. I thought everyone did GREAT speeches and has really wonderful visual aids. Good job guys!

I noticed that many of us (myself included) were somewhat more nervous than before. I'm wondering if this was because it was a whole new topic? Or that the visual aids were a distraction or something? Who knows, but it was all good an informative.

To our counterparts at the University...sorry I was being a dork in the camera :]. I like to always keep myself, and hopefully others entertained. Next time I won't be a distraction! haha.

Everyone have a good weekend! Stay safe, don't drink and drive and all that good stuff...and get to work on the next speech...I want to be persuaded!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Visual Aids

Guys I have been out of the net for minute, but i'm back now. I have been looking at some tip for the visual aid speech and ran across some simple things that might help. Looking and week 6 on blackboard which has a ass load of stuff. So I thought I would add to that. Below are some simple steps you can applied. Also a couple websites that have some good info.

Step1 Darken the room slightly so that your slides will be properly visible.
Step2 Leave each slide up for at least 20 seconds.
Step3 If you need to discuss something else between two slides, insert a blank (black) slide between the two slides so that your audience won't be distracted.
Step4 Use software templates to create professional-looking overheads.
Step5 Number your overheads in case you accidentally drop them.
Step6 Apply masking tape to the edges of the projector not covered by the overhead to avoid glare.
Step7 Use fewer overheads by showing only one part of a single overhead at a time.
Step8 Stand next to the screen (not the projector) after you places each overhead on the projector. This way, your audience doesn't have to look back and forth between you and the screen.

Courtesy of:

Also see:

Thanks for listening

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Working up the nerve

Hey y'all! I hope everyone has had a great week. It has been hectic for me, but I'm glad the weekend is almost here.

I was really nervous last Thursday when I gave my speech. I did not want to give it, and I almost sweated through both my shirts. I knew I needed to calm myself down before I left my dorm to go to class. I was halfway between MBS and the library when I realized I had left my note cards sitting on my desk. My heart skipped a beat, my pores opened up, and my mind went into a frenzy. I knew I would not be able to give my speech in that condition. Then I thought back to the book where they gave advice on calming your nerves. I immediately put my ipod on "Let Love Move Me" by Donna the Buffalo (awesome song, you should check it out!) and started doing breathing excercising that I was taught back in marching band. I slowed my walk to match the beat of the music, and I inhaled for 4 counts and exhaled for four. Then I went to 8 counts, 12 counts, and finally made it with 16 counts inhale, and 16 exhale. By the time I made it to Bunnell, my mind was totally clear and I was ready to proceed with my speech. And to my surprise, I stayed calm throughout the class and was ready to give my speech.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homework Anyone???????


I'm looking for week Reading Questions 4, Quiz #2, and Reading questions 5 all of which due dates are gone. I worried I I might be missing something. If no one has done these them I'm cool, but if some have then can you tell me where to find them. Blackboard is a mess right now and I know Terri is working on this but I don't miss a due date.

Also Terri said that Quizzes would allow for multiple tries. Has anyone been able to get multiple tries?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

obama 2004 speech

Regardless of any ones political views. The one thing that I would have to say about Obama's speeches is that they flow out of that mans mouth like he could do that from birth. I had not heard this speech back in 2004 but it is a well spoken speech (saw it on youtube after I read it). The thing that i like about this speech was regardless of what your view is he made you feel as though he was talking to you or the speech was meant directly towards me. One day I hope to have that type of speech confidence.